Sunday, January 14, 2007

insurance is NOT a commodity

It is amazing to me the people that pay home insurance premiums for years and really do not know what type or amount of coverage they have. This has been my mission since I opened my own Insurance Agency: to inform people as to the serious nature of their personal coverages and that everyone should review their insurance coverages every other year at a minimum. If family situations change the policies should be reviewed sooner. While this is agreeable to most people the actual act of doing it never seems to happen. The question is how can I impress upon people the need to do this. I promote myself by making the statement "If you have not talked to your current insurance agent in the last year then maybe we should talk" Most people treat insurance as a necessary evil. They believe insurance is more of a commodity than an ever changing product that fluxuates greatly between companies. Insurance is something that should be taken very seriously. When you need the services of your insurance policy you want confiendence from the Agent and Company that your expectations will be met


Anonymous said...

looks good!

Anonymous said...

Well written article.